There is only one difference between an animal and a man, a man has a mind and an intellect, whereas an animal does not have an intellect. If your intellect is also weak, then you are also like an animal. This may sound a bit bitter, but it is the truth.
Today We will tell you how you can increase your intelligence. And you can become a hero from zero.
Before increasing intelligence you should know that how does intelligence work?
You must be aware that the mind is always thinking something or the other. And when you think of something, the image of that thing is formed.
So when you think of the same thing more than once, the intellect stores it inside itself. And then reminds you when needed.
What is the function of the intellect?
The function of the intellect is to make decisions. For Example: The doctor tells the patient that the patient should not eat sour or else he/she will get sick. But when the patient goes home and sees pani-puri, then his mouth gets watery, then he develops a strong will to eat the pani-puri.
So here is where the intellect work begins from. What decision will he/she take? Will he listen to the doctor or will he listen to his heart's desire?
So here is that whose intellect is strong and is sharp, then he will not eat pani-puri and will save himself/herself from getting sick, while the person whose intellect is weak will not be able to control himself and will eat the pani puri instead.
So the intellect decides that what should be right to be done and what is not right to be done.
Thus the one who has good brain will always take a good decision in his entire life and will achieve success and whose intellect is weak he will not be able to take the right decision in right time and will not be able to become successful.
How to increase intelligence? Sharpen your mind
1. Continuous practice:
Whatever work you do, don't leave it half, after learning, always keep practicing the same.
If you are a student: - Do not leave it after studying, revise it again, keep practicing it always.
According to a survey: When we read, or learn something and read it again within 24 hours, then it is concluded that we remember that thing for the next 1 week.
And if you read the subject once again in 1 week, then that thing is remembered for the next 1 month.
Similarly, while studying, you will remember the thing for the rest of your life and your brain will store it inside itself. Then you will never forget that topic.
2. Meditation:
If you meditate daily we can say with a guarantee that whatever your memory is now, it will definitely become more powerful.
Meditation is the way that concentrates your intellect, and when you learn or study anything, your mind does not wander and your interest in reading increases day by day.
Meditation develops the memory power, the ability to think doubles and at the same time the body also develops positively.
3. Purity (Body and mind be pure with intellect):
If you are studying then you should not spend your time/memory thinkong dirty things. Dirty things such as bad work, pornography etc. Dirty things spoil the memory and there is no interest in studies again. Due to this the brain feels heavy, the brain feels stretched. Then the brain starts forgetting the learned topic and knowledge.
That is the reason why the kings used to keep Brahmins with them for the advisor, because Brahmins in that time had pure intellect and they do not forget anything quickly.
4. Food :
You should consume the foods that benefits your brain such as: - Almonds, green leafy food, fruits, milk etc.
For food it is said, As is the food, so is the mind. That is why if you eat good food then your mind will be working good and if your mind is good then your memory will definitely be good.
Green leafy vegetables and fruits are very-very beneficial for health. There are many such things, by consuming which the memory could be made strong as well as the body too.
Some nutritious foods to strengthen memory and mind
4.1. Fatty Fish
Salmon, sardines and brown omega-3 fatty acids are found in very high amount in fatty fish. It helps in the formation of our brain and the nerve cells.
4.2. Broccoli
Antioxidants and vitamin K are found in abundance in broccoli. Due to which it is considered as a high nutrient food. By eating broccoli, the problem of weakening memory goes away and memory develops.
4.3. Pumpkin Seeds
The antioxidants present in the pumpkin seeds protect our body and brain from damage. Along with this, it also helps in sharpening our memory.
4.4. Walnut
To sharpen the brain we must try walnuts, by consuming walnuts regularly, the brain always remains healthy and the high risk of heart related diseases to occur is also reduced to a greater extent.
4.5. Egg
Vitamin such as B6, B12, folate and choline are found in a large quantity in eggs. According to a study, the concentration power of the brain is strengthened by consuming more choline.
4.6. Oranges
Vitamin C is found in abundance in oranges. The desire to strengthen the memory is considered a nutrient.
4.7. Blueberries
Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are found in abundance in blueberries, which is very helpful to prevent mental stress and inflammation in the brain. Along with increasing the lifespan of the brain, it is too considered good for neurological diseases.
Some more tips on how to increase brain power fast.
Today the increasing use of technology has made our grasping power low, we are completely dependent on technical means to remember the minor things. We have stopped using our brain completely and this is very directly affecting the memory. Due to logical abilities and avoidance of mental confusion, the memory has started getting weak. Memory can be increased by trying some simple methods, that we extended below.
5. Do something new
To increase your intelligence or iq level, leave the traditional methods and try something new. The new method must be helpful in increasing our memory, because whenever we try to do something new, we very easily remember it. For this, try new food recipes, try new ways to exercise, have some fun in your spare time in your normal routine too.
6. Regular body exercise
Apart from keeping the body fit, if you want to increase your memory power to grasp your topics easily, then include exercise in your everyday routine. Exercising for at least 5-6 days in a week increases the efficiency of the brain to a greater extent. By doing exercises, there is good blood flow in the brain and the cells of the brain starts to become more active which helps in good memory power.
7. Do brain exercises
Do some new brain exercises to increase your intelligence. Inplace of saving your important numbers in your mobile, try to remember the very important numbers in your memory. After a week of memorizing the number once, try to remember it again the next week. This will increase your power of memory. Try to not to jot down the things on the computer, mobile or tab to remember it.
There are some games like Sudoku, Chess, Solitaire which will not only refresh your mind but will also increase your concentration power. The games listed here below requires a lot of concentration. The decision making ability of a person, playing these games also improves.
We all know that by having exercise regularly, the muscles of a person become very strong. Similarly our brain can also be considered as a muscle and thus high concentration can be achieved for a long time by playing games like chess, crossword puzzles and picture puzzles etc again and again. You can play all these games on your smartphone anywhere and anytime.
8. Curiosity is necessary
Instead of taking all things as normal, take them very eagerly. Always show curiosity to know about new ideas, whenever you get a chance to go to a new place, do always accept it with enthusiasm.
9. Have a positive attitude
It is very important to have positive thinking always to increase the brain capacity. Having a positive mindset is less likely to cause stress and depression, and your mind will be very active. Having much stress, decreases the efficiency our the brain, so stress is the biggest enemy for memory. So try to avoid stress by thinking positively and doing some breathing exercises.
10. Healthy diet is essential
Like other things, a healthy diet is very necessary to keep the mind healthy. What we eat have the biggest effect on our brain function, so eat a healthy and nutritious diet everyday. Try to include omega-3 fatty acids in your diet by taking fish and do also take fresh fruits and green vegetables.
11. Read books
Books are known to be the best friend of our brain, reading books does exercise brain and helps in increasing the iq level. Apart from this, it has also been scientifically proved in many researches that reading also relieves depression and stress. Reading a interesting book increases our reasoning ability as well as doubles the ability to think.
12. Plenty of sleep is essential
Getting enough sleep helps to get rid of many types of health problems. Getting enough sleep relaxes the brain and makes the brain cells very active. So try to have at least 7 to 10 hours of quality sleep.
13. Yoga for Brain
Yoga helps in improving the functioning of the brain. In fact, Patanjali says in the Yoga Sutras, "yoga chitta vritti nirodha"— that is, the very purpose of yoga is to stabilize the subconscious mind. When our mind is stable, i.e., in our own control, then our memory automatically improves in a unbelievable way.
Yoga gives 3 ways to increase the memory:
13.1. Posture (Asana)
13.2. Pranayama (Breathing exercises)
13.3. Trataka
Practice Surya Namaskara everyday to increase your memory
Surya Namaskara is a combination of various asanas that affect different organs and glands in the body. The practice of Surya Namasakara keeps us completely healthy and charms us. Surya Namaskar is done in the morning, when the atmosphere is calm and calm, when you are fresh and not stressed. It is done to activate various parts and organs of the body and also to control the breath, to improve the circulation of blood in the body. Breathing plays a vital role for the better health of both, our body and mind. When we feel angry, stressed or frustrated, our breathing rate becomes much faster, when we are relaxed and calm, our breathing becomes deeper and longer. Scientific researches haved proven that the breathing control many of the brain activities and if we control our breathing, we can change our state of mind, reduce our stress levels in the brain and the nervous system, and create harmony around us and too we will experience peace.
Pranayama will help boost memory
Bhramari Pranayama balances the two hemispheres of the brain. As we are familiar that when the two hemispheres are not balanced, we are not able to concentrate, study and can't even succeed in life! In addition, you should practice Naadi Shodhana Pranayama to add the faculties of both the hemispheres of our brain.
Do trataka to increase memory
Trataka is also one of the effective exercises for the development of concentration. Light a candle and place it the flame at the eye level. Keep looking directly at the flame without closing your eyesight for half a minute. Do it for half a minute as long as you can keep your eyes open. When you feel the need, close your eyes and look at the image of the flame with your eyes closed. Open your eyes again when the image disappears and then focus your eyes on the flame. Do this for five minutes before sleeping. In a few days you will find that you remember things more easily because this practice creates mental concentration.