The problem of a paining neck today between our youngsters and aged is increasing day by day and is the matter of the serious concern. Due to the poor posture of the body, the muscles of the neck gets strained.
The ever-increasing use of computers today has made this problem more and more serious, because people keep working on the computer continuously for long hours. If not treated in time, then this cervical pain will not be limited to the neck only, but can also spread to the other parts of our body.
The number in people complaining of the neck pain is increasing rapidly now-a-days. If it is ignored, its consequences can be diresome. Below we have led down some of the best tips for its prevention and cure.
Cervical pain
What are the symptoms
Stretching and stiffness of the neck muscles.
Much pain in our neck.
The pain increases when the neck is hold in the same position for a very long time. Like while driving a car, a bike, a bus or working for long hours on the laptop, etc.
Can feel sensations like numbness, tingling or weakness in the toes, feet and hands.
Symptoms like Pain in the shoulders and the back of the head.
Difficulty in walking and balancing your body.
Cramps in the muscles.
You have no or less control on the bowel and bladders.
What are the reasons
Muscle strain due to long or continuous use of mobile, tablets and on computer.
Not keeping the neck posture correct while working, studying, moving.
Broken neck joints due to ageing
The bones of the neck may have been damaged due to osteoarthritis.
Muscle and tissue strain may be the cause or the vertiberates can be the cause that may have been deformed due to an accident or injury.
If these all are the causes then its time to call the doctor.
Most type of the neck pains get better with regular exercise and keeping your posture right. If it doesn't get better in few days, have a round to your doctor.
If the pain still gets worse, look for your doctor.
If the pain persists for several days or a month without rest, then visit your doctor.
If the pain increases from the neck to the arms and legs, call the doctor.
If there is weakness, tingling, numbness and headache in feet and hands, then contact for your doctor.
What are the treatments
If you think that the problem of cervical pain is minor, then it can be cured by making some changes in our lifestyle, but if the condition is serious, visit a orthopedic surgeon or a spine surgeon. It can be easily detected by CT scan, X-Ray and MRI and it can also be cured by treatment the doctor advises.
Medicines and Injections
Several medications are prescribed by doctors to reduce pain, swelling of tissues, and muscle cramps that were caused by damaging of the nerves. Types of steroid injections are injected to reduy the pain in many of the issues.
If the cervical pain is not cured even by medicines or by physical therapy, then surgery is advised.
How to avoid
Keep your posture correct while working on the pc, sitting, or having a walk.
Exercise regularly and everyday.
Do not talk with mobile phone having stucked between your shoulders and the ear.
Avoid very much/frequent use of mobile phones unless necessary.
To keep your bones healthy and strong, consume enough of calcium and vitamin D. Have a glass of cow's milk everyday at night or the time you prefer.
Do use the right pillow according to your comfort while sleeping.
Physical therapy
In physical therapy, exercises of certain types are done to relieve the stiffness of neck pain under the supervision of a specialist. Having yourself in a correct postion/posture is much suggested to help relieve the neck pain.
Spinal tuberculosis
Infection of the spine can take place due to fractures in the bones and damage to the vertebrae. More than one vertebra can be damaged in the Spinal tuberculosis. Many spinal deformities can occur due to a deformity of the spine column. Narrowing of the spinal canal can also be caused due to spinal tuberculosis, which further leads to problems relating to the nervous system. If it is not cured in time, paralysis can occur in the lower part of the body beacuse of the compression of the spinal cord.
Spinal cord tumor
Spinal tumors can develop in the bones of the spine or in the spinal canal. When cells grow abnormally and divide to form a lump in the spinal column or spinal cord, it is known as a spiral tumor. Spinal tumors cause problems in the nervous system, pains and sometimes paralysis.
Spinal arthritis
Spinal arthritis is occured by wear and tear in the cartilage of the discs and joints in the lower back and the neck. Sometimes we notice that it causes pressure on the nerves of the spinal column coming out, which can cause pain and weakness in the feet or hands.
Cervical myelomalacia
Cervical myelomalacia reduces the volume of the spinal cord and makes it soft by compressing the spinal cord. This can cause problems in the overall body. Due to this, problems like difficulty in breathing, pain, deteriorating functioning of the nervous system, feeling of weakness in muscles can take place.