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Working Home Remedies, Tips and Exercises to Increase Your Height Naturally

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 Tips to increase height naturally

Who does not like tall height, when one is tall one feels confident, while tall height also makes a person's personality look beautiful.

People of medium or short stature can increase their height by adopting some easy measures.

Parents always try to make the physical development alive along with the mental development.

Although the height of the child starts increasing with age from the time of birth, then many factors play a role in increasing the height, such as the height of the parents, the height of other family members.

The routine of the child plays a central role in this regard. As a child grows up to a certain age, they need to be monitored from an early age.

By a general estimate, a baby grows 2.5 inches tall in a year. Boys grow up by age 20, while girls usually stop growing by age 14.

Nowadays, there are many medicines to increase height, which are easily available in the market. It is possible that the drug can increase the height of the child. But the general opinion is that the drug should not alter the hormones of the baby, which increases the risk of complications in life further.

You can achieve the height you want by adopting some exercises, methods and positive changes in your routine which are given here.

Some of the main reasons for not increasing height are:

Nutrient deficiency
Lack of essential elements in the body like protein, calcium, minerals, iron and vitamins play an important role. Therefore, include dairy products, green leafy vegetables, pulses and seasonal fruits in your daily diet. Avoid junk foods, having much of tea and coffee.

Due to many diseases
Many times we notice that the height does not increase despite the growth hormone being correct. The reason for this is a lack of thyroid hormone, a hormone released from the pituitary gland. Intestinal worms, tuberculosis, celiac disease, depression or any chronic illness since childhood can also be the cause.

Rising tension

Growth hormone is associated with the pituitary gland of the brain. In such a situation, the functioning of this gland deteriorates due to stress.

Hormonal disturbances
Sometimes this happens due to the imbalance of thyroid or endocrine hormone levels with growth hormone.

Heredity is also a reason
Sometimes heredity is also a reason for not increasing the height. In such a case, the height of the child depends on the height of one of the parents. Which is due to genetic change. Sometimes the height of the child may not necessarily be the same as that of the parents, it may be similar to other people in the family.

Don't take medicine unnecessarily
To increase the height, there is no such medicine, hormone therapy or workout that will give the desired height immediately. It is a natural action. This is why it is important that you do not fall into the trap of drugs unnecessarily. They can cause more damage. As such, it is common to use growth hormone tablets to increase height. Overdose of these can sometimes cause side effects like excessive height, headache, increased water pressure in the brain, thyroid disorder, joint pain.

So let's know about what should be done to be tall. Here are some tips on how to increase height.

For boys and girls who want to increase height, a balanced diet is of utmost importance.

If you want to achieve tall height, make it necessary to include calcium, iron, vitamin D and other vitamins and minerals in your daily diet while remaining mentally calm.

And even if you do not get sleep, take at least 8 hours of sleep throughout a day. According to medical experts, the process of increasing height during sleep is active.

According to scientific research, lying on the waist for ten minutes increases the length by five millimeters throughout the day, shrinks the spine and returns to its original shape after lying down.

Sunlight is the remedy for longevity
Sunlight is one of the very important source of vitamin D. Vitamin D absorbs calcium in the bones and is considered to be the most important component for increasing height.

Having a walk or running in the sun would be very helpful. Sunbathing is effective during the early morning time.

Avoid growth inhibitors
If you really want to increase your height, then completely avoid all the stimuli that can inhibit the growth in the body. These ingredients are found in fast foods, antibiotics, soda drinks, tobacco and alcohol.

This is important for people who want to take care of their overall health and do not want to use these harmful health ingredients.

The way to grow taller with the right food/diet (Foods which increase height Rapidly)

It is true that after the age of 18, the amount of growth hormones in the body decreases, but taking the right diet can increase the height in this condition too. Taking a advise from your nutritionist can be very important.

A balanced eating plan consisting of enough amounts of proteins, healthy fats and carbohydrates is to be formulated. It is also important to consume dairy products, fruits, fresh fruits, vegetables and fat-free meats.

If you want to gain height, make it mandatory to have calcium, iron, vitamin D among other vitamins and minerals in your daily diet.

Eat Eggs:
Eggs are rich in vitamin B12 and proteins which help in increasing the height. It is very important to include eggs in the diet. 

Prefer fish if a non-vegetarion: Fish contains omega-3, vitamin D and protein, which is very helpful in increasing height.

Include Yogurt:
Yogurt contains many important nutrients like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium which according to research play a very important role in improving immunity and increasing height.

Vegetables and Fruits:
One should try to eat fresh fruits, as they contain vitamins A, C, D, calcium, carbohydrates and potassium which are very helpful in increasing height.

Eat Chicken:
Chicken meat contains protein, vitamin B12, niacin, selenium, phosphorus and amino acids, which according to research help in increasing height.

Eat Almonds:
Almonds are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, manganese and magnesium which not only increase height but also sharpen the mind.

Sweet potato:
It mainly contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Manganese, Vitamin B6 and Potassium which naturally enhances the body composition.

Fiber foods:
Foods that are rich in fiber should be eaten, such as barley flour, millet, maize, banana, they contain fiber along with iron, magnesium and selenium which helps in increasing the height.

Drink milk:
Vitamin A, Vitamin D and calcium present in the milk makes bones strong and helps them to grow.

Follow Height Increasing Exercises

It is important for being tall, to exercise along with their diet.  If you don't exercise, diet won't have the same effect as it does with exercise.

Ride a bicycle
Those who want to be taller should inculcate the habit of cycling in their daily routine. Cycling not only gives strength and length to the legs, but also increases stamina. When cycling, fix the seat of the bicycle in such a way that the legs have to be extended more to reach the pedals.
Note: People with joint problems should not keep the bicycle seat so high.

Hang from the rod (a way to be tall)
This is the cheapest and easiest way to increase your height is to hang yourself in hanging poles, practice hanging as much as possible. Increase the hanging time day by day, it lengthens the height, strengthens the spine and abdominal muscles.

Jumping rope is an easy way to get taller
It also reduces weight along with increasing height.  Jumping rope is considered as the best exercise to increase height. Jumping in the air with the help of rope, passing the time with this exercise strengthens bones and muscles with a slight increase in length.  .

Stand on shoulders and head
Lie on your back on the ground, now keep your head and shoulders on the ground and lift the rest of your body in the air. For this exercise, it is necessary to keep the feet in line with the body, otherwise there is a danger. Falling unbalanced increases the risk of injury.

Swimming is considered one of the best exercises to increase height. Under water, the load on the surface of the spine is significantly reduced, while the joints are able to exercise more freely and in a comfortable position, thereby accelerating the process of increasing height.

Increase Height By doing Yoga Asans

Cobra yoga
For cobra yoga, lie down on your stomach on the ground and now place your hands on the ground and move the front part of the body i.e. head and chest upwards. This will stretch the muscles of the arms and abdomen, this exercise is done downwards. It is also very useful for the muscles of the hips, abdomen, arms and lumbar.

V-Shape Yoga
For this exercise, stand straight, now bend down and try to touch the ground with both hands keeping the head and body near the knees. In the beginning, don't stretch yourself too much. Day after day, touch the ground as low as possible.

By doing this yoga, there is a stretch in the feet, fingers and other parts of the body, due to which the height of the person increases. To increase the height of young children, they are also advised to do this asana.

Here Tada means Mountain and Asana means Pose. This yoga posture is very effective for increasing the length and stretching from the legs to both the arms and the body.

Apart from this, there are many benefits to the body by doing this asana. It keeps us away from various disorders and also removes the troubles of the body.

Best medicine/treatment to increase height

This recipe has the ability to increase height till the age of thirty five, in this recipe, indigenous herbs have been used which need no introduction. This recipe is equally useful for men and girls, women.

Ingredients to make recipe: Asgand / Ashwagandha 60 grams, 100 grams of white sesame seeds, 200 grams of kanch seeds, dried camel milk 600 grams

Preparation: Make a fine powder by grinding all the herbs, then add dry camel milk to it, mix it well and put it in a glass jar.

Dosage: One teaspoon of tea with water once a day for two months on an empty stomach for children 12 to 15 years old, one teaspoon of tea with water once a day for two months for those aged 16 to 23  Consume.

People between the age of twenty-four to thirty-five use one teaspoon of water on an empty stomach in the morning and evening for two to three months.

Benefit: Continuous use of this medicine is 100% guaranteed that it will increase height and health. So far, around 5,000 people have benefited from its use.

The length of some was 1 inch, while some grew up to 4 inches. All this is proof that this is a very experienced and tried recipe.

Use of ayurvedic medicines to increase the height:

There are many effective medicines in Ayurveda to increase height, which neither have many side effects nor are they expensive. Estimate about the cost of the prescription used to increase height, then its one-time dosage is made in less than ten rupees.

With the use of this medicine, the destroyed Human Growth Hormone (HGH) in the body gets stimulated once again, due to which your height starts increasing again.

With the help of this medicine, you can increase the height till the age of 21 years.  So let's know about that special Ayurvedic recipe, with the help of which you can increase the height by 2 to 6 inches in a few days.

Pharmaceutical ingredients
Banyan tree fruit - 50 grams
Mishri - 50 grams
Cumin - 50 grams

Method of use
Take the fruits of the banyan tree, sugar candy and cumin together and grind them well in a mixer. After the mixture is made, the weight of all these things will be around 50 grams.

Fill its powder in a jar and keep it. If you are less than 18 years of age, then you should take half a teaspoon of its powder after waking up in the morning and taking a bath (empty stomach).

And if you are more than 18 years of age, then take one spoon of it with milk. Before doing this remedy, you must measure your height, so that it will be easy for you to feel the difference in a few days.

Do follow these tips and remedies for at leat a month. It is advised to first consult your doctor before taking any type of medicine or height increasing powders. This will not only increase your height, but your mind will also be sharp and the skin will also increase.Tips to increase height naturally

Who does not like tall height, when one is tall one feels confident, while tall height also makes a person's personality look beautiful.

People of medium or short stature can increase their height by adopting some easy measures.

Parents always try to make the physical development alive along with the mental development.

Although the height of the child starts increasing with age from the time of birth, then many factors play a role in increasing the height, such as the height of the parents, the height of other family members.

The routine of the child plays a central role in this regard. As a child grows up to a certain age, they need to be monitored from an early age.

By a general estimate, a baby grows 2.5 inches tall in a year. Boys grow up by age 20, while girls usually stop growing by age 14.

Nowadays, there are many medicines to increase height, which are easily available in the market. It is possible that the drug can increase the height of the child. But the general opinion is that the drug should not alter the hormones of the baby, which increases the risk of complications in life further.

You can achieve the height you want by adopting some exercises, methods and positive changes in your routine which are given here.

Some of the main reasons for not increasing height are:

Nutrient deficiency
Lack of essential elements in the body like protein, calcium, minerals, iron and vitamins play an important role. Therefore, include dairy products, green leafy vegetables, pulses and seasonal fruits in your daily diet. Avoid junk foods, having much of tea and coffee.

Due to many diseases
Many times we notice that the height does not increase despite the growth hormone being correct. The reason for this is a lack of thyroid hormone, a hormone released from the pituitary gland. Intestinal worms, tuberculosis, celiac disease, depression or any chronic illness since childhood can also be the cause.

Rising tension
Growth hormone is associated with the pituitary gland of the brain. In such a situation, the functioning of this gland deteriorates due to stress.

Hormonal disturbances
Sometimes this happens due to the imbalance of thyroid or endocrine hormone levels with growth hormone.

Heredity is also a reason
Sometimes heredity is also a reason for not increasing the height. In such a case, the height of the child depends on the height of one of the parents. Which is due to genetic change. Sometimes the height of the child may not necessarily be the same as that of the parents, it may be similar to other people in the family.

Don't take medicine unnecessarily
To increase the height, there is no such medicine, hormone therapy or workout that will give the desired height immediately. It is a natural action. This is why it is important that you do not fall into the trap of drugs unnecessarily. They can cause more damage. As such, it is common to use growth hormone tablets to increase height. Overdose of these can sometimes cause side effects like excessive height, headache, increased water pressure in the brain, thyroid disorder, joint pain.

So let's know about what should be done to be tall. Here are some tips on how to increase height.

For boys and girls who want to increase height, a balanced diet is of utmost importance.

If you want to achieve tall height, make it necessary to include calcium, iron, vitamin D and other vitamins and minerals in your daily diet while remaining mentally calm.

And even if you do not get sleep, take at least 8 hours of sleep throughout a day. According to medical experts, the process of increasing height during sleep is active.

According to scientific research, lying on the waist for ten minutes increases the length by five millimeters throughout the day, shrinks the spine and returns to its original shape after lying down.

Sunlight is the remedy for longevity
Sunlight is one of the very important source of vitamin D. Vitamin D absorbs calcium in the bones and is considered to be the most important component for increasing height.

Having a walk or running in the sun would be very helpful. Sunbathing is effective during the early morning time.

Avoid growth inhibitors
If you really want to increase your height, then completely avoid all the stimuli that can inhibit the growth in the body. These ingredients are found in fast foods, antibiotics, soda drinks, tobacco and alcohol.

This is important for people who want to take care of their overall health and do not want to use these harmful health ingredients.

The way to grow taller with the right food/diet (Foods which increase height Rapidly)

It is true that after the age of 18, the amount of growth hormones in the body decreases, but taking the right diet can increase the height in this condition too. Taking a advise from your nutritionist can be very important.

A balanced eating plan consisting of enough amounts of proteins, healthy fats and carbohydrates is to be formulated. It is also important to consume dairy products, fruits, fresh fruits, vegetables and fat-free meats.

If you want to gain height, make it mandatory to have calcium, iron, vitamin D among other vitamins and minerals in your daily diet.

Eat Eggs:
Eggs are rich in vitamin B12 and proteins which help in increasing the height. It is very important to include eggs in the diet. 

Prefer fish if a non-vegetarion: Fish contains omega-3, vitamin D and protein, which is very helpful in increasing height.

Include Yogurt:
Yogurt contains many important nutrients like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium which according to research play a very important role in improving immunity and increasing height.

Vegetables and Fruits:
One should try to eat fresh fruits, as they contain vitamins A, C, D, calcium, carbohydrates and potassium which are very helpful in increasing height.

Eat Chicken:
Chicken meat contains protein, vitamin B12, niacin, selenium, phosphorus and amino acids, which according to research help in increasing height.

Eat Almonds:
Almonds are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, manganese and magnesium which not only increase height but also sharpen the mind.

Sweet potato:
It mainly contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Manganese, Vitamin B6 and Potassium which naturally enhances the body composition.

Fiber foods:
Foods that are rich in fiber should be eaten, such as barley flour, millet, maize, banana, they contain fiber along with iron, magnesium and selenium which helps in increasing the height.

Drink milk:
Vitamin A, Vitamin D and calcium present in the milk makes bones strong and helps them to grow.

Follow Height Increasing Exercises

It is important for being tall, to exercise along with their diet.  If you don't exercise, diet won't have the same effect as it does with exercise.

Ride a bicycle
Those who want to be taller should inculcate the habit of cycling in their daily routine. Cycling not only gives strength and length to the legs, but also increases stamina. When cycling, fix the seat of the bicycle in such a way that the legs have to be extended more to reach the pedals.
Note: People with joint problems should not keep the bicycle seat so high.

Hang from the rod (a way to be tall)
This is the cheapest and easiest way to increase your height is to hang yourself in hanging poles, practice hanging as much as possible. Increase the hanging time day by day, it lengthens the height, strengthens the spine and abdominal muscles.

Jumping rope is an easy way to get taller
It also reduces weight along with increasing height.  Jumping rope is considered as the best exercise to increase height. Jumping in the air with the help of rope, passing the time with this exercise strengthens bones and muscles with a slight increase in length.  .

Stand on shoulders and head
Lie on your back on the ground, now keep your head and shoulders on the ground and lift the rest of your body in the air. For this exercise, it is necessary to keep the feet in line with the body, otherwise there is a danger. Falling unbalanced increases the risk of injury.

Swimming is considered one of the best exercises to increase height. Under water, the load on the surface of the spine is significantly reduced, while the joints are able to exercise more freely and in a comfortable position, thereby accelerating the process of increasing height.

Increase Height By doing Yoga Asans

Cobra yoga
For cobra yoga, lie down on your stomach on the ground and now place your hands on the ground and move the front part of the body i.e. head and chest upwards. This will stretch the muscles of the arms and abdomen, this exercise is done downwards. It is also very useful for the muscles of the hips, abdomen, arms and lumbar.

V-Shape Yoga
For this exercise, stand straight, now bend down and try to touch the ground with both hands keeping the head and body near the knees. In the beginning, don't stretch yourself too much. Day after day, touch the ground as low as possible.

By doing this yoga, there is a stretch in the feet, fingers and other parts of the body, due to which the height of the person increases. To increase the height of young children, they are also advised to do this asana.

Here Tada means Mountain and Asana means Pose. This yoga posture is very effective for increasing the length and stretching from the legs to both the arms and the body.

Apart from this, there are many benefits to the body by doing this asana. It keeps us away from various disorders and also removes the troubles of the body.

Best medicine/treatment to increase height

This recipe has the ability to increase height till the age of thirty five, in this recipe, indigenous herbs have been used which need no introduction. This recipe is equally useful for men and girls, women.

Ingredients to make recipe: Asgand / Ashwagandha 60 grams, 100 grams of white sesame seeds, 200 grams of kanch seeds, dried camel milk 600 grams

Preparation: Make a fine powder by grinding all the herbs, then add dry camel milk to it, mix it well and put it in a glass jar.

Dosage: One teaspoon of tea with water once a day for two months on an empty stomach for children 12 to 15 years old, one teaspoon of tea with water once a day for two months for those aged 16 to 23  Consume.

People between the age of twenty-four to thirty-five use one teaspoon of water on an empty stomach in the morning and evening for two to three months.

Benefit: Continuous use of this medicine is 100% guaranteed that it will increase height and health. So far, around 5,000 people have benefited from its use.

The length of some was 1 inch, while some grew up to 4 inches. All this is proof that this is a very experienced and tried recipe.

Use of ayurvedic medicines to increase the height:

There are many effective medicines in Ayurveda to increase height, which neither have many side effects nor are they expensive. Estimate about the cost of the prescription used to increase height, then its one-time dosage is made in less than ten rupees.

With the use of this medicine, the destroyed Human Growth Hormone (HGH) in the body gets stimulated once again, due to which your height starts increasing again.

With the help of this medicine, you can increase the height till the age of 21 years.  So let's know about that special Ayurvedic recipe, with the help of which you can increase the height by 2 to 6 inches in a few days.

Pharmaceutical ingredients
Banyan tree fruit - 50 grams
Mishri - 50 grams
Cumin - 50 grams

Method of use
Take the fruits of the banyan tree, sugar candy and cumin together and grind them well in a mixer. After the mixture is made, the weight of all these things will be around 50 grams.

Fill its powder in a jar and keep it. If you are less than 18 years of age, then you should take half a teaspoon of its powder after waking up in the morning and taking a bath (empty stomach).

And if you are more than 18 years of age, then take one spoon of it with milk. Before doing this remedy, you must measure your height, so that it will be easy for you to feel the difference in a few days.

Do follow these tips and remedies for at leat a month. It is advised to first consult your doctor before taking any type of medicine or height increasing powders. This will not only increase your height, but your mind will also be sharp and the skin will also increase.Tips to increase height naturally

Who does not like tall height, when one is tall one feels confident, while tall height also makes a person's personality look beautiful.

People of medium or short stature can increase their height by adopting some easy measures.

Parents always try to make the physical development alive along with the mental development.

Although the height of the child starts increasing with age from the time of birth, then many factors play a role in increasing the height, such as the height of the parents, the height of other family members.

The routine of the child plays a central role in this regard. As a child grows up to a certain age, they need to be monitored from an early age.

By a general estimate, a baby grows 2.5 inches tall in a year. Boys grow up by age 20, while girls usually stop growing by age 14.

Nowadays, there are many medicines to increase height, which are easily available in the market. It is possible that the drug can increase the height of the child. But the general opinion is that the drug should not alter the hormones of the baby, which increases the risk of complications in life further.

You can achieve the height you want by adopting some exercises, methods and positive changes in your routine which are given here.

Some of the main reasons for not increasing height are:

Nutrient deficiency
Lack of essential elements in the body like protein, calcium, minerals, iron and vitamins play an important role. Therefore, include dairy products, green leafy vegetables, pulses and seasonal fruits in your daily diet. Avoid junk foods, having much of tea and coffee.

Due to many diseases
Many times we notice that the height does not increase despite the growth hormone being correct. The reason for this is a lack of thyroid hormone, a hormone released from the pituitary gland. Intestinal worms, tuberculosis, celiac disease, depression or any chronic illness since childhood can also be the cause.

Rising tension
Growth hormone is associated with the pituitary gland of the brain. In such a situation, the functioning of this gland deteriorates due to stress.

Hormonal disturbances
Sometimes this happens due to the imbalance of thyroid or endocrine hormone levels with growth hormone.

Heredity is also a reason
Sometimes heredity is also a reason for not increasing the height. In such a case, the height of the child depends on the height of one of the parents. Which is due to genetic change. Sometimes the height of the child may not necessarily be the same as that of the parents, it may be similar to other people in the family.

Don't take medicine unnecessarily
To increase the height, there is no such medicine, hormone therapy or workout that will give the desired height immediately. It is a natural action. This is why it is important that you do not fall into the trap of drugs unnecessarily. They can cause more damage. As such, it is common to use growth hormone tablets to increase height. Overdose of these can sometimes cause side effects like excessive height, headache, increased water pressure in the brain, thyroid disorder, joint pain.

So let's know about what should be done to be tall. Here are some tips on how to increase height.

For boys and girls who want to increase height, a balanced diet is of utmost importance.

If you want to achieve tall height, make it necessary to include calcium, iron, vitamin D and other vitamins and minerals in your daily diet while remaining mentally calm.

And even if you do not get sleep, take at least 8 hours of sleep throughout a day. According to medical experts, the process of increasing height during sleep is active.

According to scientific research, lying on the waist for ten minutes increases the length by five millimeters throughout the day, shrinks the spine and returns to its original shape after lying down.

Sunlight is the remedy for longevity
Sunlight is one of the very important source of vitamin D. Vitamin D absorbs calcium in the bones and is considered to be the most important component for increasing height.

Having a walk or running in the sun would be very helpful. Sunbathing is effective during the early morning time.

Avoid growth inhibitors
If you really want to increase your height, then completely avoid all the stimuli that can inhibit the growth in the body. These ingredients are found in fast foods, antibiotics, soda drinks, tobacco and alcohol.

This is important for people who want to take care of their overall health and do not want to use these harmful health ingredients.

The way to grow taller with the right food/diet (Foods which increase height Rapidly)

It is true that after the age of 18, the amount of growth hormones in the body decreases, but taking the right diet can increase the height in this condition too. Taking a advise from your nutritionist can be very important.

A balanced eating plan consisting of enough amounts of proteins, healthy fats and carbohydrates is to be formulated. It is also important to consume dairy products, fruits, fresh fruits, vegetables and fat-free meats.

If you want to gain height, make it mandatory to have calcium, iron, vitamin D among other vitamins and minerals in your daily diet.

Eat Eggs:
Eggs are rich in vitamin B12 and proteins which help in increasing the height. It is very important to include eggs in the diet. 

Prefer fish if a non-vegetarion: Fish contains omega-3, vitamin D and protein, which is very helpful in increasing height.

Include Yogurt:
Yogurt contains many important nutrients like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium which according to research play a very important role in improving immunity and increasing height.

Vegetables and Fruits:
One should try to eat fresh fruits, as they contain vitamins A, C, D, calcium, carbohydrates and potassium which are very helpful in increasing height.

Eat Chicken:
Chicken meat contains protein, vitamin B12, niacin, selenium, phosphorus and amino acids, which according to research help in increasing height.

Eat Almonds:
Almonds are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, manganese and magnesium which not only increase height but also sharpen the mind.

Sweet potato:
It mainly contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Manganese, Vitamin B6 and Potassium which naturally enhances the body composition.

Fiber foods:
Foods that are rich in fiber should be eaten, such as barley flour, millet, maize, banana, they contain fiber along with iron, magnesium and selenium which helps in increasing the height.

Drink milk:
Vitamin A, Vitamin D and calcium present in the milk makes bones strong and helps them to grow.

Follow Height Increasing Exercises

It is important for being tall, to exercise along with their diet.  If you don't exercise, diet won't have the same effect as it does with exercise.

Ride a bicycle
Those who want to be taller should inculcate the habit of cycling in their daily routine. Cycling not only gives strength and length to the legs, but also increases stamina. When cycling, fix the seat of the bicycle in such a way that the legs have to be extended more to reach the pedals.
Note: People with joint problems should not keep the bicycle seat so high.

Hang from the rod (a way to be tall)
This is the cheapest and easiest way to increase your height is to hang yourself in hanging poles, practice hanging as much as possible. Increase the hanging time day by day, it lengthens the height, strengthens the spine and abdominal muscles.

Jumping rope is an easy way to get taller
It also reduces weight along with increasing height.  Jumping rope is considered as the best exercise to increase height. Jumping in the air with the help of rope, passing the time with this exercise strengthens bones and muscles with a slight increase in length.  .

Stand on shoulders and head
Lie on your back on the ground, now keep your head and shoulders on the ground and lift the rest of your body in the air. For this exercise, it is necessary to keep the feet in line with the body, otherwise there is a danger. Falling unbalanced increases the risk of injury.

Swimming is considered one of the best exercises to increase height. Under water, the load on the surface of the spine is significantly reduced, while the joints are able to exercise more freely and in a comfortable position, thereby accelerating the process of increasing height.

Increase Height By doing Yoga Asans

Cobra yoga
For cobra yoga, lie down on your stomach on the ground and now place your hands on the ground and move the front part of the body i.e. head and chest upwards. This will stretch the muscles of the arms and abdomen, this exercise is done downwards. It is also very useful for the muscles of the hips, abdomen, arms and lumbar.

V-Shape Yoga
For this exercise, stand straight, now bend down and try to touch the ground with both hands keeping the head and body near the knees. In the beginning, don't stretch yourself too much. Day after day, touch the ground as low as possible.

By doing this yoga, there is a stretch in the feet, fingers and other parts of the body, due to which the height of the person increases. To increase the height of young children, they are also advised to do this asana.

Here Tada means Mountain and Asana means Pose. This yoga posture is very effective for increasing the length and stretching from the legs to both the arms and the body.

Apart from this, there are many benefits to the body by doing this asana. It keeps us away from various disorders and also removes the troubles of the body.

Best medicine/treatment to increase height

This recipe has the ability to increase height till the age of thirty five, in this recipe, indigenous herbs have been used which need no introduction. This recipe is equally useful for men and girls, women.

Ingredients to make recipe: Asgand / Ashwagandha 60 grams, 100 grams of white sesame seeds, 200 grams of kanch seeds, dried camel milk 600 grams

Preparation: Make a fine powder by grinding all the herbs, then add dry camel milk to it, mix it well and put it in a glass jar.

Dosage: One teaspoon of tea with water once a day for two months on an empty stomach for children 12 to 15 years old, one teaspoon of tea with water once a day for two months for those aged 16 to 23  Consume.

People between the age of twenty-four to thirty-five use one teaspoon of water on an empty stomach in the morning and evening for two to three months.

Benefit: Continuous use of this medicine is 100% guaranteed that it will increase height and health. So far, around 5,000 people have benefited from its use.

The length of some was 1 inch, while some grew up to 4 inches. All this is proof that this is a very experienced and tried recipe.

Use of ayurvedic medicines to increase the height:

There are many effective medicines in Ayurveda to increase height, which neither have many side effects nor are they expensive. Estimate about the cost of the prescription used to increase height, then its one-time dosage is made in less than ten rupees.

With the use of this medicine, the destroyed Human Growth Hormone (HGH) in the body gets stimulated once again, due to which your height starts increasing again.

With the help of this medicine, you can increase the height till the age of 21 years.  So let's know about that special Ayurvedic recipe, with the help of which you can increase the height by 2 to 6 inches in a few days.

Pharmaceutical ingredients
Banyan tree fruit - 50 grams
Mishri - 50 grams
Cumin - 50 grams

Method of use
Take the fruits of the banyan tree, sugar candy and cumin together and grind them well in a mixer. After the mixture is made, the weight of all these things will be around 50 grams.

Fill its powder in a jar and keep it. If you are less than 18 years of age, then you should take half a teaspoon of its powder after waking up in the morning and taking a bath (empty stomach).

And if you are more than 18 years of age, then take one spoon of it with milk. Before doing this remedy, you must measure your height, so that it will be easy for you to feel the difference in a few days.

Do follow these tips and remedies for at leat a month. It is advised to first consult your doctor before taking any type of medicine or height increasing powders. This will not only increase your height, but your mind will also be sharp and the skin will also increase.